Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Doctors Without Borders - Mock Refuge Camp Reflection

Last Friday,11/7/08, the Senior Class of HTHI went to a mock refuge camp in Balboa Park, put on by the wonderful organization of Doctors Without Borders. We learned in 1st person perspective many of the trials and tribulations that refugees and occupents of third world countries go through. For example, we learned about mines and mine fields how thise refugees have to constantly remain on their guard and keep family members ever close. How simple things like the security of knowing id people around you are friend are foe goes out the window when they are on the run. How crossing borders becomes a life and death thing or how women are "bribes" in many cases.
I found it extremely fascinating how long they travel, the conditions in which they have to walk and move, the least amount of supplies they must travel, and how much aid they receive and short amount of supplies they live on. I also found it extremely amazing how refuge camps and small communities around the world can easily develop Cholera and Malaria. That although the symtoms mimic each other, the tests are very different. That the treatment for Diarrea is extremea and the treatment with certain cots. i also find it interesting how food rations as well as water rations are very small.

If Doctors Without Borders should change anything, it should be that they should inform more. I felt very informed but they should include information about how to volunteer for Doctors Without Borders. Overall I LOVED it and fel inspired to become involved in the medical field, where before I had my doubts.

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