Saturday, September 27, 2008

PSA Response

Wow! This one was interesting. As opposed to all the vote or else videos. This video of a man standing against a wall with words and his own dialogue telling why he doesn't want to vote made sense. That he didn't vote for a person who made something wrong is one reason not to vote. At the same time, its a basic right to vote, yet, it's a privledge, not mandatory and this is America. No one should be threatened or guilt tripped into voting when afterall, this is a free country and people have free will. By not voting your exercising your rights in America, as are the people the people who are voting.

This PSA makes an excellent point, but, as an amatuer, and personal video, this was windy in the background and you could barley hear him, that's just poor editing on their part and it makes the video have less of an impact then it should, it should have power in it. Also, the guy is too far away from the camera and not centered so the whole thing is distracting.

But, overall, I see the point in it and am actually shocked that someone finally made this point and had the guts to say it out loud. HOORAH! For free speech! :D

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